Re: Embedded grid maps isung iframe - Service unavailable?

Since yesterday (15th July)  late afternoon the embeded NBN grid maps using iframes on my site http://www.ukflymines.co.uk have failed to load.

e.g. <iframe width="100%" height="470" src="http://www.brc.ac.uk/schemes/NBNWidget/tvkGridmap.aspx?tvk=NBNSYS0000029609&amp;css=http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/research/projects/british-insect-mines/database/components/css/nbn.css"></iframe> on http://www.ukflymines.co.uk/Flies/Agromyza_abiens.html

On one occasion I did get a message saying 'Service unavailable', but usually the opening link hangs., even though the standard NBN grid maps are displayed on the NBN Gateway website.

Please advise.

Brian Pitkin


Re: Embedded grid maps isung iframe - Service unavailable?

That would be Jim Bacon's EasyMaps service which uses the NBN GridMap webservice. I just gave him a call, he is aware of the issue and is working on fixing it.

Paul Gilbertson,
NBN Gateway Developer


Re: Embedded grid maps isung iframe - Service unavailable?

Very sorry about that. The whole BRC website stopped working as a consequence of some server maintenance with unanticipated side effects. I wouldn't expect this to recur.

It might be worth my while mentioning while I am here, though, that staff in Wallingford work Mon-Fri, 9-5, roughly speaking. A power cut can cause our servers to shut down and leave them unavailable until staff are on site to restart them. In the worst case this can mean they are down all weekend. This would affect users of the EasyMaps and the Indicia warehouses that we host. This has happened in the last month.

The NBN servers are in Lancaster so different conditions probably apply there.

Jim Bacon.