Re: Embedded NBN Grid maps and their titles / error messages
I am using embedded NBN grid maps in 'The leaf and stem Mines of British Flies and other insects'
For an embedded NBN Grid map the NBN website has the following title:
Genus species (e.g. Agromyza abiens)
Please could this be modified to read:
NBN Grid map of records on the Gateway for Genus species (e.g. Agromyza abiens)
If the server is down or the URL is wrong (as last weekend)
The following message is displayed:
No results available
The National Biodiversity Network has not returned any results.
This can occur if the query you supplied is incorrect or if the service is currently unavailable.
Please could this be modified to read:
NBN Grid map
The National Biodiversity Network has not returned any results.
This can occur if the query you supplied is incorrect or if the service is currently unavailable.