Re: Drupal iForm optimisation

Hi All,
If you are already trying the Drupal iForm module, then by default it will not use Indicia's caching facilities. So here is how to turn them on and speed up your form loading.

First, either use SVN to update your iForm module, or simply create a folder called upload in \sites\all\modules\iform\. Next, go into the \sites\all\modules\iform\client_helpers folder and open helper_config.php with a text editor. Change the setting for upload path so it looks like this:

static $upload_path = './sites/all/modules/iform/upload/';

Now when your forms load, the data for lookups and so forth is read from the Indicia Warehouse first time then it will save the data in a cache which refreshes after an hour.

I have updated the Wiki instructions for iForm and also added the upload folder into the code base so you won't need to create it in future installations.


John van Breda
Biodiverse IT