Re: Species designation sets for reporting for 6.14-your chance to comment

Sorry Lynn but I couldn't find a confirmation of question 'will we be able to add own lists'. If not I will have to find my own work around which would be along the lines of all the work a rounds up to now. Without such flexibility one is always beholden to someone else and their priorities. This seems to be a theme with Recorder 2000 onwards. I would like to know now as I either have to wait for 6.14 and hope it works or forge ahead as I need to actually use the data now. Thanks


Data Manger
Somerset Environmental Records Centre


Re: Species designation sets for reporting for 6.14-your chance to comment

I'm with Tony on this one. It is absolutely essential that we are able to add local priority lists and to be able to select from the full range of available lists in any combination. Anything less would be a complete waste of effort as far as I am concerned.

Rob Large
Wildlife Sites Officer
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre


Re: Species designation sets for reporting for 6.14-your chance to comment

Hi Tony and Rob,
You CAN add your own list in the new designation reporting in 6.14. This is achieved by adding a designation such as local BAP and assigning a rucksack of species to this new designation. So not technically a 'new list' as all of these have to be added by the Natural History Museum but the result is effectively the same in terms of reporting. You can compile the rucksack within the user interface if there are not many species or you can build it outside Recorder. We have almost finished writing tutorials on both these areas which will be available on the new website when it is completed (end og August if not before). The designation tutorial also includes info on designation sets and how to add your own - so you can include your local designation within a custom built set as well.

Hope this will be flexible enough in the first instance.
Best Wishes,


Re: Species designation sets for reporting for 6.14-your chance to comment

Excellent news Lynn, I look forward to it.

Data Manger
Somerset Environmental Records Centre


Re: Species designation sets for reporting for 6.14-your chance to comment

Thanks Lynn

Rob Large
Wildlife Sites Officer
Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre