Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Due to my own stupid fault I'm having to reinstall Recorder 6. I'm getting error messages for the stdvallib add in (standard validation) and gotokey add in which says they can't be resistered. After installation is complete they won't install and it says "The specified file is not a COM server and cannot be registered".

I do have admin rights. Does anyone have any ideas.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Hi Graham,

Are you sure that you uninstalled Recorder completely? ie were all traces removed including the registry entries deleted when it is uninstalled? it is possible that it was not uninstalled correctly and is having trouble installing again over the top. If all is well in the registry then you can reinstall Recorder - which version are you trying to install? Is it on xp or Vista?
You could check that you are using the most up-to-date versions of the addins (it seems that the validation addin is only available on the CD - so again, which version of Recorder are you installing from CD?). The GoToKey addin is available here: http://forums.nbn.org.uk/recorderWebsite/Addins.htm

I have not heard of this particular problem so far in my experience with Recorder so I would think there might be an issue with the install/uninstall rather than the addins themselves. Do you have support from a Recorder approved expert who can help you clean out the registry and ensure that your machine is clean before reinstalling?

Best Wishes,


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Hi Lyn,

This is a problem i had previously raised but not had a response to (http://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=763), and havent had a chance to track down yet. It does seem to be still occurring. at least with an attempt to install the SurveyDelete.ocx from the Add-ins folder. This is with a network install of MSDE, and hasn't had a de/reinstall. I was assuming it was likely to be a permissions/administrator issue but that is mostly a not very informed guess.


Gordon Barker
Biological Survey Data Manager
National Trust


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Hi Gordon,

Sorry we didn't manage to respond to your query Gordon.
With addins that are causing problems it is a good idea to uninstall them from the Recorder interface and then close Recorder and then (important to do it in this order) navigate to the addins folder in Program Files/Recorder 6 and delete the offending .ocx file. You can then download the latest version from the website http://forums.nbn.org.uk/recorderWebsite/Addins.htm and try and install it again from the Recorder interface.

It would be very interesting to know whether you are both still experiencing this problem after following these steps. Note Recorder (and probably other software applications) can get confused if you delete things that it is expecting in a particular place whilst it is open - it is important to uninstall the addin and then close Recorder.

Do let us know how you get on.


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Hi Lyn,

Downloaded new Survey Delete, extracted and attempted to install. Same message received. Don't want to remove any addins to reinstall them as the existing ones seem to work, and probably wont be able to get them back.


Gordon Barker
Biological Survey Data Manager
National Trust

6 (edited by Graham Hawker 28-05-2009 11:28:22)

Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Lynn, thanks for the reply. I did a full uninstall as normal but will try again. The registry is only showing the addins that successfully installed. This is using the 6.10.4 cd on a machine running XP Pro.

If necessary we can pay for support from Sally or Mike if we can't solve the problem. I'm quite happy to do registry cleaning myself. I have reinstalled the program on this machine without a problem about 6 months ago.

I do wonder if it's something to do with security settings on the PC and it's not allowing somethings to write to the registry - various changes have been made to PCs after the Council was struck with the Conflicker Worm. (Which I will check if the reinstall doesn't work).

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

OK, do let us know how you get on - it would be good to get to the bottom of this - clearly there is at least Gordon who is also having a similar problem.


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Todays re-installation had the same problem so now I've asked our ICT department if there any security settings causing this.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre

9 (edited by Graham Hawker 02-06-2009 12:48:31)

Re: Recorder add ins not registering

I think I've beaten my the Councils ICT department to the answer. I just tried installing another addin on our other Recorder PC and this failed as before. I opened the Sophos anti virus programme and there is was sitting in quarantine. So now I have to get ICT to allow all the relevant addins to get past Sophos and everything should be OK.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

So ICT have instructed Sophos to let the quarantined addins through and will set a group policy in Sophos to allow everything in the Recorder addins folder to install.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


Re: Recorder add ins not registering

Hi Graham,

Has this definately fixed the problem now?


12 (edited by Graham Hawker 08-06-2009 09:15:34)

Re: Recorder add ins not registering

It should have solved the problem but when I tried to install the addins, Sophos still quarantined them so I've gone back to the ICT department.

Edit - now they have managed to set Sophos to let the addins install.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre