Re: Feature suggestion: friending
Happy new year everyone - I hope you had a relaxing break. :)
Something I feel would make Indicia very appealing to users would be the ability to very easily share their data with other users. One convenient way of doing this would be a social-network (e.g., Facebook) style "friending" system whereby you could request a friendship link with another user and, if accepted, you gain access to their data and vice-versa.
Taking this concept up a notch would be a "group" facility (again, like Facebook) whereby a group organiser could set up a group 'page' and then members could join and in doing so, their data would be pooled and viewable by other members of the group.
I believe this would make the system extremely valuable to groups, societies and LRCs. I also believe it would tap into the social aspects of recording, which is one of the primary drivers for why people record.
These are concepts that I believe are being looked at by the iSpot team, but I don't know how, or if, they are being implemented, so I think it could be worth looking at both systems to see how they might mesh together most effectively.
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council | |