Topic: Licence and attribution data
Hello, I am looking at how we capture attribution/citation information with the view of using Recorder 6 for this. There is a tab already, that has these fields so I hope to use them, just now the attribution info is going into the Survey Description field but it would be good to tidy it up and put it where it belongs.
My problem is that I cant get a report that will export this data properly? I am really just wanting The Survey name, survey description, Run by, Survey tag, licence and attribution, date created, date amended and Notes (private) but I am doing something wrong.
The system supplied St11 Survey Summary Report is close to what I want but it crashes every time I use it or it produces a spreadsheet that wont open properly without fixing something that results in a blank spreadsheet!!! most frustrating. I think it may be a character in the Survey Description field that's causing the problem, but if I could start using the licence and attribution fields properly they may fix the issue.
How does everyone else export this info so that attribution can be captured for data requests?
Sorry its a bit long winded, any help appreciated.
Mhairi (Fife Nature Information Assistant)