Topic: Include Darwin Core format date in report wizard


Please could the Sample Date be available in Darwin Core format (as suitable for the NBN Atlas) from the Report Wizard please.

I assume this is possible as it is part of the NBN Atlas export Add-in.




Re: Include Darwin Core format date in report wizard


Attached is  the SQL designed to add Darwin_Core date to the Report Wizard. It needs to be run in Management Studio as a New Query. Best bet is to open Management Studio and copy and paste the contents of the files in a New Query. It should add a new Report Field under SAMPLE  for the R6 sample date  in Darwin Core format. Unknown and dates and a vague date type not supported in Darwin Core will be null values. This includes the Months and Seasons  without a year, and and years with no end date. (M', 'S' and 'Y-' in R6 Vague date Types).

I have run it on a live database and it looks OK but please carry out your own testing and let me know of any problems.


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Darwin_Core_Date_Script.sql 5.02 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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Mike Weideli