Topic: iRecord to Recorder 6 - exporting Determiner Name and Reviewer Name


I am attempting to import iRecord records into Recorder 6.

Often there will be a different person for each role of ‘Observer(s)’, ‘Determiner Name’ and ‘Reviewer Name’. In this scenario, the reviewer is the person doing the verification on iRecord.

I have no problem importing them, but I have trouble exporting them to a spreadsheet as I would like.

I want the spreadsheet columns exported something like below – the determiner name decoupled from the reviewer name.

Sample Recorder: John Smith
Obs Determiner: Jane Doe
Reviewer: Adam Jones
Reviewer Role: County Recorder
Review Type: Considered Correct

I set the ‘review preferred’ to ‘yes’ so it shows the record as verified but this changes the export of ‘obs determiner’ in the wizard to the reviewers name.

A work around might be to set the review preferred to ‘no’ and add another field for import/export ‘Determiner type’ set to ‘Considered Correct’.

I would be interested to learn how other people incorporate verification status of records from iRecord and other sources into Recorder 6.



Re: iRecord to Recorder 6 - exporting Determiner Name and Reviewer Name

Hello Geoff,
I suspect each LERC will have its own way of capturing the information from iRecord. There is a lot of interest in R and RStudio for automating the process just now, taking the iRecord data and tidying it ready for Recorder 6 import.

We at Fife Nature Records Centre are working on an R script that is being tested and checked at the moment.

We do a complete iRecord dataset replacement every 6 months and we put it into a temporary survey in Recorder 6 for that reason. We are hoping that the R script will allow us to do this more often perhaps monthly, so that we are not too out of date.

At the moment I create 2 new columns (Determination Type and Taxon Determination Comment)and capture the verification 1 and verification 2 as best as I can but it is a manual task. Any verification 1 that is accepted goes in to the DT as Considered correct and `Marked  as "Accepted" on iRecord` goes into the TDC). It can be time consuming hence the interest in R.

Right now I am looking into how best to capture local expert feedback when it differs from the data in iRecord, so I searched for Review status to see if that could be used and your query was returned and so I thought I would reply.

Kind regards,