Topic: UPDATE: Data processing 5th February 2024

Dear all,

Thank you to those who sent across new or updated datasets for February data processing. We would like to inform you, while preparing for data processing last week, our Data Officer has faced some issues with preparing datasets due to some processes previously used no longer working.

Our Data Officer will be working on updating these processes this week, and as a result it is likely that we will not start data processing until next Monday (12 February). Therefore, there will potentially be about a weeks delay in these datasets being uploaded to the NBN Atlas (i.e., will likely be available on the NBN Atlas w/c 19 February). We hope that by spending this week working on updating our data preparation processes, we will be better prepared for future data processing.

Please accept our apologies for this delay and for any inconvenience caused. Thank you again to those who have shared new or updated datasets with us.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind regards,

Rhiannydd Stock
NBN Atlas Support Officer


Re: UPDATE: Data processing 5th February 2024

We were notified on 08/04 of a further delay to w/c 22 April.

David Hepper
Records Officer, British Dragonfly Society