1 (edited by call1 29-11-2006 11:32:49)

Re: Reporting by location/admin area

We are new to recorder and are using the latest version of Recorder 6. We have started putting in some intial sample data and have run into a few problems reporting on taxon by location/polygon/administrative area.
A quick report on one of our "site" locations returns all the information that we have associated to it. However, if we do a similar thing (quick report or through the wizard) for the administrative area in which the "site" location sits, the report returns no data.
When the data was entered, the sample data was set to refer to our "site" location polygon, which in turn refers to the administrative area in the Geo Info tab.
We have also assigned a polygon boundary to the administrative area and if we conduct a report restricted to this polygon, we also get no information returned.
Am I right in thinking that this should be possible? Any pointers into things to check would be most helpful.


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

There is another issue relating to administrative areas. There are two types of record locations: 1) what used to (sensibly to my mind) be called sites and are now called locations and 2) places like 'Along the side of the A123' which are now entered in the free text 'Location name' field.  Administrative areas can be attached to locations and I also assume it should be possible to list records for particular admin areas.  But there is currently no way of attaching an admin area to a record if the location has been entered using the Location name field (because the event and sample tables don't include the field) and consequently no direct way of reporting on all records from an admin area.

If people are using GIS it could be argued that it doesn't matter, but because of the frequent imprecision of grid references it is all too easy for 'dots' to fall outside the polygon. It is very useful to be able to unambiguously extract all records from an area.

So, what is the feasibility of having admin area as an integral part of a record?

Bob Saville
Lothian Wildlife Information Centre Coordinator


Re: Reporting by location/admin area


I am now facing the problem of trying to report on taxa within one or two vice counties. In the report wizard there is no variable available for selection for 'Vice county number'. I then saw that when using the wizard I could select Taxon records and 'Restrict to one or more administrative areas' and find that when the latter is ticked no data are selected.

I import all my data from spreadsheet, so had assumed that if R6 assigns the data according to the location names and vice counties given on import that they ought to be related for reporting purposes. That they appear not to be is a serious flaw and needs to be sorted as quickly as possible.

Is there a means of selecting Taxon records by vice county that I have overlooked?

If not, is there a possibility of making a crucial reporting system available in the very near future?

Cheers, Ian


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

Hi again

I was somewhat annoyed that I had to do a job the long way (and it took all of yesterday - c 12 hours - and is still not finished - rather than have a database provide the data it contains in a way that I want. It is sad to see that this thread has lead to no response from those who manage Recorder and no change, during the years it has been in operation, so that people can report by administrative area (and sadly, in Wales, we have three sets, though only two are now regularly used - Vice Counties and the new Unitary Authorities).

I make a plea for R6 to be modified so that the data it takes in on import - place, grid reference and vice county number - should be available within the Report Wizard, or the existing check button should work using the data that R6 imports.

I notice that call1, who started this thread got no response. I hope there will be an early one now, a year and a half after the problem was brought to light!

Cheers, Ian


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

In the report wizard using ‘Restrict report to one or more Admin Areas’ includes records linked to locations that have the required Admin Area, e.g. vice county, listed on the Administrative Areas tab on the Geo Info tab. If records aren’t linked to locations in the location hierarchy they won’t appear in this type of report. The alternative is to use the VC polygons available from the NBN (http://www.nbn.org.uk/temp/tools.html). The VC CD they supply allows you to generate the VC boundaries you require in a format that can be imported into Recorder. You will then be able to use the ‘Restrict to one or more Polygons’ option in the report wizard, although the test for whether something is in the polygon is done on the south west corner of the grid square in versions up to v6.10.4.120. In the new version currently in production, you will be able to select whether to include or exclude overlapping grid squares in report results.

Sally Rankin, JNCC Recorder Approved Expert
E-mail: s.rankin@btinternet.com
Telephone: 01491 578633
Mobile: 07941 207687


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

Hi Sally

Many thanks for your suggestion. For each location (1 km square) that I have in my location hierarchy, within the Administrative Areas tab, in Geo Info, I have the three possible county types for each location:

- vice county
- 1974 - 1996 county
- post 1996 unitary authority

yet, when I tick 'Restrict report to one or more Admin areas' I get no records selected. I still think there ought to be an option to choose the county in the report wizard, but I do not understand why the built in function is not working.

Ah curses. When the list of Admin Areas appears, the vice counties that I may wish to choose are not available from the list of 'Watsonian Vice Counties' but from 'Welsh County 1888 - 1974'. I shall not forget that in a hurry!

Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

All the best, Ian

7 (edited by Matt_tullie 11-07-2008 09:35:29)

Re: Reporting by location/admin area

Warning - what follows might 'mush' the brain.

Can I try to summarise the system then, as I 'understand' it.

A location can be assigned both Administrative Areas and Grid squares, as well as having an implicit grid reference.

IF a location is assigned EDEN as an Admin area then a report run on Cumbria (of which Eden is a subset) the Location SHOULD be reported because EDEN is related to CUMBRIA as defined in the Admin relation table?

On that basis, one shouldnt need to specify all the sub - admin areas of Cumbria in the report wizard...?

Also One would only need to associate a locations parish as all other admin areas are specified in the relationships table.

HOWEVER this type of report wont report any loose observations that are not assigned to a Location, OR report any locations that dont have the admin areas associated.

If this is correct - then the appropriate thing to do is endeavour to ensure that all ones locations are assigned the appropraite Admin Areas.?

Can this be done in batch form - GIS_ID'ng the appropriate keys for each location and adding them directly to a single table (LOCATION_ADMIN_AREAS)?

The same uncertainty applies to the Grid squares for a location, though these behave differently...?

A location has a 1km square associated but not the 10km square.

If you report (through the Report>Run) on the 1km square - you wont return the location that has only the 10km square associated (quite right).

If you report on the 10km square, despite it not being specifically identified in the first location - it should be reported because the 1km square is related to the 10km square through its bounding box.

This query also returns all the loose grid reference observations I suspect..? But maybe this type of query works on the locations gfrid reference rather than associated squares?

Grid square queries would be mathematical rather than the text relationships of the admin araes.

If what I say is true - why do we have the Grid Squares associated with a location - is this for validation purposes rather than reporting?

If one has a vague loaction which one specifies a 10km grid reference for, then one reports on a 1km square within that - I suspect that the locations observations will not be reported - because they are associted with a 10km reference.

WHAT IF, after associating them with this 10km location, you define a 100m reference that falls inside the aforementioned 1km query - will this observation be reported? Is it looking for loaction or grid reference?

There is a lot of stuff here, and Im not sure it can be quickly unravelled - but it illustrates my personal confusion of the reporting of 'location' in the broad and strict senses.
What I would like is some documentation on how the various reporting methods query the data, so that I can understand what each thing is supposed to do.
Maybe its already out there...?

I know there are 'get around' queries in 6.13 but I dont know if the structure that creates all of the above confusion has actually been simplified...!

If you have got to this sentence and your ears are not bleeding - you have done well and deserve a certificate. Well done you.


Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

This might not answer the original question specifically but I hope I offer one possible route to a solution here.
We organise our Locations hierarchically, so within our VC we have Leicester City, Leicestershire County and Rutland County. Under each of these we have our Districts (only for Leicestershire) and the next level downwards through the hierarchy is the Parish. We have map boundaries for all of these and they are all linked to the Location.
All incoming locations are (laboriously) moved to the correct Parish - this is a useful exercise as it is also a double-check on the validity of the record.
We are thus able to use 2 methods to determine the records within any of these higher levels.
1. We can use the polygon - though I believe there are problems with bottom-left points lying outside the shape.
2. We can use the hierarchy via an xml which first recurses down the hierarchical tree from the selected item and picks up all the identifiers for the locations below that point in the hierarchy, producing a temporary table against which one can search for records.

The main use we have for method 2. is in retrieving Location-specific information (rather than taxa), so for example I can right-click on the Rutland location, select the appropriate Quick report and have the "area of Heath grassland" or "List of Local Wildlife Sites" in the twinkling of an eye.

9 (edited by stevemcbill 10-07-2008 09:11:29)

Re: Reporting by location/admin area

Good to see you are keeping the structure running and up-to-date Darwyn. Very glad to see it seems to be working for you.

As you know - rECOrd runs a similar Location/Site hierarchy and it works well for us though Stuart was once heard to say that it was the most complex site structure he had ever seen. Oh well, whatever works I say.


Steve  :D

Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Reporting by location/admin area

The distance between the people who develop and the people who use Recorder is as enormous as it ever was.


Re: Reporting by location/admin area


I would say that having 1k grid squares associated with a location is principally a validation tool, to prevent records being entered too far outside the location.

Admin areas are not as important here, but given the different scale and fragmented nature of sites we probably have a similar hierarchy based on Region-Property-Subprop etc.


Gordon Barker
Biological Survey Data Manager
National Trust