Topic: Restrict recording to species, not family
I'm sure this is simple but I'm not finding the info I need in the docs.
In my warehouse, under > Taxonomy > Taxon ranks I have a category for Family (Id=1) and one for Species (Id=2). In my plant list under Taxa I have 152 families (each one has the Taxon Rank set to 'Family') and each family has a list of Child Taxa which are the species.
In my data entry form, which is of the type 'Enter single record or list of records' the [species] control lists all families and all species eg:
Ascolepis pusilla
Ascolepis speciosa
Asparagus africanus
Asparagus asparoides
What do I need to do to exclude families from this list? I thought there might be a way to add a term to limit the [species] control, like @taxon_rank<>1 but I can't find documentation.
Thanks, Alice