Topic: NBN tile requests cause errors and mapping is unavailable ***

NBN Atlas appears to be at least partly 'down':

- Requests such as
https://records-ws.nbnatlas.org/ogc/wms … mp;CRS=... cause errors: 
[HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 386ms]

- Our Data Resource page https://registry.nbnatlas.org/public/show/dr731 does not have the usual links to data.

David Hepper
Records Officer, British Dragonfly Society


Re: NBN tile requests cause errors and mapping is unavailable ***

Hi David,
Thank you for letting us know. The records component of the NBN Atlas was down on Sunday and most of Monday. I asked Justin to investigate at about the same time as you wrote.

I am sorry for any inconvenience.

Best wishes, Sophie