Topic: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys

Hello, I am hoping that there is a work around for a problem I have with mapping. As I cant import shapefiles I am hoping to export the records I am interested in using a list of TOK's. I need a specific report structure using the report wizard for the species records that would have intersected the polygon I cannot import. I have a list of TOK's from GIS, I just need to report using the list of TOKs. Does this make sense? I know the original problem will get fixed but in the meantime I really need to be able to export the records in my list using the desired format (Extract similar format). Any help appreciated as no data requests can be done without this particular data.
Many thanks

2 (edited by charliebarnes 30-06-2020 16:04:32)

Re: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys

For a very quick fix, you can (can you?) add shapes to the map in recorder. Do a rough / bounding box of your shapefile by eye and pull out intersecting records, filtering afterwards in excel.

Alternatively I sometimes pull out records using the report wizard and then filter afterwards - for instance ask the report wizard to return all records with a grid reference that starts with 'TF5' (in additional filters) for a site at TF5565. As long as you remember to select the occurrence key in the report wizard you can use excel to filter to the toccs you want. May or may not work depending on what you want.

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership


Re: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys

Thank you, we cannot draw anything on the maps. It may be a permissions thing but I am going away right now to try the spacial reference solution, that just might be brilliant. Thanks a million.


Re: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys

I can try and help you out with this. The report wizard  doesn't  support any  csv file  parameters,  so  It will have to be done with xml reports.  If you can provide an excel spreadsheet with the output fields you need I can take  if from there. I am sure we can sort nappjngm but with a non standard set up this  could be tricky so I understand why you are going for this solution.

Mike Weideli


Re: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys

Thank you Mike, that would be super.

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ExtractSimilarFormat.xlsx 9.54 kb, 2 downloads since 2020-07-01 

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Re: Exporting records using the wizard and a list of TOKeys


Here is the first stab at this. It doesn't do the Fife designations because I need to know the Taxon_Set keys for these.  Sorry for the delay. It has been several hours work which I have had to fit in with a dictionary update.  SQL for every field has to be worked out from first principles so you will need to check that the results are Ok. 

Please give it a try and let me know what needs changing.

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LC_SpecialFNRCinfo.xml 18.44 kb, 1 downloads since 2020-07-08 

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Mike Weideli