1 (edited by stevemcbill 23-03-2020 11:00:53)

Topic: Records/Observations from iNaturalist to iRecord ?

Can I ask what the current position is regarding transfer of observations on iNaturalist, which have reached "Research Grade", to iRecord for verification by British data verifiers ??

I ask as Martin Harvey has indicated that  though this was tried, due to some technical issues, it has been abandoned for the foreseeable future.  I sincerely hope this is not abandoned permanently as there is a huge amount of useful and interesting data on iNat - 698,164 observations as at 23/03/2020 - (as well as some poor quality data) which could be added to the British system, following validation, and passed to LERCs, National Recording schemes and used for conservation purposes. All of such data would be supported by photographic evidence.  Surely too much to be lost into the ether forever.

For those interested in viewing available data, please check over at:

England:  https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/en … of-england
Wales:  https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/we … e-of-wales
Scotland:   https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/sc … f-scotland
Ireland:  https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/ir … of-ireland

My hope would be that each LERC would look at setting up procedures to download observations from iNat and thereby enable the usage of such data in their own areas and get the accumulated data into the British system.

Cheers and thanks.

Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Records/Observations from iNaturalist to iRecord ?

Hi Steve, there is now some more information about the iRecord decision here:

iNaturalist offers some brilliant features and we would love to find a solution to this that enables the iNaturalist records to be shared more widely in the UK context, but from the feedback received by iRecord there are some tricky issues that we don't currently have a solution for. I'd be pleased to hear views from others as to how best this can be tackled, or whether the iNaturalist dataset is sufficiently available already, given that it can be accessed via iNaturalist itself and via GBIF.

Martin Harvey
Biological Records Centre
CEH Wallingford

3 (edited by stevemcbill 24-03-2020 11:28:19)

Re: Records/Observations from iNaturalist to iRecord ?

Thanks Martin - appreciated, if somewhat disappointing.


Steve J. McWilliam


Re: Records/Observations from iNaturalist to iRecord ?

See here for a discussion on this subject on iNaturalist:

https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/relatio … cord/12030


Steve J. McWilliam