Darwyn (or anyone else),
I have tried downloading and unzipping the Irish Vice Counties from GitHub (as noted in the discussion thread on NBN Forum/Mapping - https://forums.nbn.org.uk/viewtopic.php?id=2255) and have then loaded them one by one into QGIS 3.8.3 (Zanzibar) in order to save them out as KML files - all works well except for a few of the files extracted from the zip. The ones not working (i.e. will not load into QGIS give the error message: (Layer is not valid: The layer F:/Downloads/Irish-Vice-Counties-master/vice_counties/H07_South_Tipperary/H07_South_Tipperary_wgs84.geojson is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map.).
Can I ask if anyone has the following Irish Vice County boundaries which they could email (or WeTransfer) to me (steve.mcwilliam@btinternet.com):
H07, H12, H15, H16, H23, H25 and H31.
Many thanks for any help you can provide.
Cheers and take care.
Steve J. McWilliam
Steve J. McWilliam