Re: Export error - caused by reserved characters?

I keep getting the following error when exporting Surveys:

EOleException : Syntax error in field definition

An mdb file is created but it's incomplete and not zipped.
On examining the files I find that the last table to be exported in each case is LOCATION_DATA. I cannot be certain what comes next (and causes the export to crash) but a fair guess is that LOCATION_DESIGNATION comes pretty closely on the heels of that one (assuming they all progress in alphabetical order).
A syntax error usually suggests the use of a reserved character somewhere; apart from REF_CODE (full of "\"s and "+"s and "["s and "."s and "/"s) and the rtf COMMENT fields, the LOCATION_DESIGNATION table doesn't contain user-botchable fields.
That's as far as I can diagnose - has anyone got any more ideas?