Re: MIF export

Filter results page, Report output, Export Data, Export type: MIF
That's the MapInfo interchange format - and I mean as square tiles, not points!

A report with just a single column, the Sample Spatial Reference, actually contains enough data to make this file which can then be used to deliver tiled species data in a GIS format (mifs can be converted to other formats - you can actually import them into Recorder too)
This would avoid the errors associated with bunging distribution dots in the bottom left-hand corners of grid squares (like the mapping utility in Recorder does)

The data needed is the Easting and Northing (obtained from GR); the length of the GR text string determines the size of the rectangular tile which is to be drawn (e.g. 100m square for 6 figure grid reference).
The accompanying MID file (which contains the textual data) is easily derived from the filter results table.

An additional level of sophistication could be added by causing the export to produce different mifs for different tile sizes - this would add to the display capabilities in Recorder's mapping function - for example a scheme organiser could produce a single species map comprising 10Km squares in red and 1Km squares in yellow and 100m squares in green - just like the NBN Gateway

This is actually a very simple export and adds a huge amount to the functionality of the application.


Re: MIF export

Again this is a feature which would support a demand from Natural England in their Memorandum of Agreement with Local Records Centres to provide species data in GIS format.
Defra provided NE with Recorder development funds to spend on behalf of LRCs.
NE provided LRCs with further Defra funds to support work which helped NE.
So how come there's no such feature in Recorder 6 and no response in over a year from the JNCC Steering Group, a member of which wrote the "species data in GIS format" specification?


Re: MIF export

Hi Darwyn

You'll be pleased to hear that the beta release of version 6.12, which is currently being tested, contains an improved mapping facility which allows you to draw squares rather than points for grid based distribution maps, and also to export these distribution layers as a SHP file.

Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: MIF export

I am pleased.
I await 6.12 with eager anticipation.
Thanks John.


Re: MIF export

Unfortunately, the GIS data that is exported from the new version doesn't come with any attributes or any way of linking back to the original data, so it's only useful for visualisation, really. Including attributes with the GIS exports was quickly identified as an essential feature but unfortunately wasn't included in this update as the funding wasn't there apparently.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: MIF export

When you say "the funding wasn't there", do you mean that there was insufficient overall Defra funding.
As I understand it, some Defra funding was allocated to "Recorder development" in order to assist LRCs in their provision of services to the agencies (JNCC/Natural England).
Local Records Centres are now contractually obliged to provide these services under their "Memorandum of Agreements" with Natural England
I trust that Natural England will accept these non-attributed GIS exports as fulfilling this aspect of their MOAs with Local Records Centres - after all, this is the tool they have provided us with to carry out this task.

My original posting suggested mif as a means of exporting. In this case the inclusion of any attributes is straightforward and does not include any element of extra "cost", just a case of remembering to add "Taxon" or any other field to the coding.


Re: MIF export

Someone other than Defra paid for this feature, I believe.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital