Re: Local Records Centres and NBN Gateway
Our East Midlands Local Records Centres today recieved a copy of Natural England's "Memorandum of Agreement" which outlines the terms under which we will receive Defra's LRC annual funding for various core services rendered.
A key part of these services surrounds an obligation on LRCs to deposit data onto the NBN Gateway. The text runs as follows:
The LRC's database should at least be capable of export to the NBN data exchange format
and whilst this may be taken to refer only to Recorder-to-Recorder transfers, the text goes on to indicate that exchange is expected between "the LRC and the NBN Gateway"
Graham French of NBN Gateway team kindly pointed me towards a very useful pack detailing how to set about this on the NBN Gateway at NBN Gateway Data Provider Pack
But what about Recorder? Sally Rankin tells me that JNCC intended to incorporate 3 items into 6.10 but they weren't quite ready for the CD. One of them is JNCC's "Export to NBN Gateway" add-in which I know is currently being developed by them.
Local Records Centres are this very week signing a document produced by a member of the JNCC Recorder Steering Group and will then only have a few months to prepare themselves for sending datasets to the NBN Gateway.
Can JNCC tell us all how soon can we expect this Add-in