Topic: Recorder 6 - Latest Installation Version
The latest installation version of Recorder 6 is v6.26.2 which is up to date to dictionary 0000003X. Version 6.26.2 requires SQL Server 2008, 12 or 14. For SQL Server 2016 the latest install version is 6.26.1. If this version is installed it should immediately be upgraded to 6.26.2 and the Dictionary upgraded to 0000003X.
Copies of Recorder 6 need to be obtained from an authorised reseller, so that a site id and security code can be allocated. The reseller may provide the software on DVD etc. or just provide the documentation and request the user to download the software.
However, if moving to new machine then the latest version may be downloaded by the user and the existing site id used.
see (resellers page).