Re: imporvements to Site Data request

Just wanted to capture this evenings experience in this forum (I obviously know there is not much you can do about it at the moment).

I have been playing around trying to set a up a web page for the Conch Soc site that allows a user to choose a broad geographic area (eg. VC) and see all the 10km squares in that area that have mollusc records. The user would then be able to select a square and see all the mollusc species that have been recorded n the square. It seems that most of that (well all of it really) is possible but a I have few requests that would make it better.

Useful improvements:
- would be REALLY nice to be able to specify that only the map is required to save the overhead of data tranfer and that element of the processing at the Gateway end. I think this would really speed things up (currently for my example there is a 2M tranfer which must be having some impact).
- would also be nice to specify a resultion to map at (eg. plot everything at 10km)

Minor niggles (I think some of these (all?) are already on the list....):
- the examples given for this service dont work - I am guessing this is because the keys have changed but might be an idea to use more permanent keys - eg. VC.
- currently impossible to get a list of provider keys against site name (or at least I cant see any way of doing it other that implementing the site list webservice maybe?)
- documentation for grid square def appears to suggest that coords and key are required is this really the case? Obviously easy to work with
- the service throws an error when a site is specified that doesnt exist - when we get round to trapping the errors properly this would be another one to sweep up.

However, all of that aside - it nearly works as it stands which is pretty cool :)
See:http://www.conchsoc.org/encyclopedia/siteTest.php though havent built in the link to the 10km square data.
