Thanks Rachel, you are absolutely right sorry, Small Mountain Ringlet is the preferred (or recommended I can never remember which is which) common name in the UKSI.
As a user on the Gateway I could put Mountain Ringlet and it would find as a synonym and I wouldn't need to worry i.e. top result on takes you to which has Small Mountain Ringlet as the Common Name and Mountain Ringlet is in the well-formed name part of the synonym list.
Whereas at the moment when I searched on the ALS "Mountain Ringlet" wasn't an option and so - being not very knowledgeable about butterflies and their names - I wasn't sure at first if Small Mountain Ringlet was the same thing or not.
Do you know if the plan is for all the synonyms in the UKSI to eventually be included in the search like they are in the Gateway? The synonym lists are one of my most used features on the Gateway, as I've never got on with the NHM UKSI site.
Apologies for taking this thread wildly off-topic!
Teresa Frost | Wetland Bird Survey National Organiser | BTO
Other hat | National Forum for Biological Recording Council
(Old hats | NBN Board, ALERC Board, CBDC, KMBRC)