Topic: Backup Not Working
If backup is not working then goto Tools/Database Tools/View or Change Backup Location. If this doesn't display anything then you will need to set up a backup device through Management studio.
You need to setup a backup device called NBNData_Backup The way this is done may vary a bit depending on which version of Management studio you are using. It is done through Server Objects/Backup Devices. Right click on Backup Devices and select New Backup Device. Give the new device the name NBNData_Backup and browse and select the location for the backup. Give the Backup file a name. You should now be able to access this through Recorder 6, both to run the backup and change the backup location.
If the backup does exist, but you wish to use a new location, then you can use Mangement Studio to make the change. You can not change the file location, so it is necessary to delete the existing NBNData_Backup and set it up again. To delete the backup, find it through Server Objects/Backup Devices. Right clck on NBNData_Backup and choose delete. Set up the device again following the above instructions.
Windows 10 seems to have caused some problems with file being marked Read Only. This can be a cause of the backup not working. In R6 the message is 'backup device could no be opened'. See below for some thought on how to fix this.
Also when going into R6 Database Tools/View Change Backup location R6 initially shows the drive, with the full path of the backup below this. However, in some versions of R6 this path is not highlighted in the list below. It is only possible to choose one level down from the selection box. This is an issue with R6 which was fixed in v6.28