Topic: Indicia Website

Not sure if others are having this problem. This has occurred in the past (though infrequently) i would like to resolve it if possible.

Every time the Indicia warehouse is taken off line my website is also knocked out (home page and basic pages wont even load). As is currently the case (http://www.activenaturalist.org.uk/mbb/)

I don't understand why this should happen? Surely only the Indicia content should be affected?

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Indicia Website


It sounds to me like there must be some code which assumes the warehouse will be present and does not handle its absence defensively. A new version of the IForm module is about to be released and I wonder if that will help.

When we know the Indicia warehouse is going off line we put our sites in to maintenance mode to avoid confusion.

Jim Bacon

3 (edited by BDeed 26-05-2016 11:30:27)

Re: Indicia Website

Hi Jim,

I'm not sure if other sites have this problem so it may not be the module (could be something to do with my site/iform interaction but not sure how to resolve).

I should have put the site into maintenance but the work wasn't being started until this morning which would have meant i'd need to take it offline from yesterday afternoon. I don't get in until 10 and by the time i'd got in the site was down including admin functions so i couldn't do anything about it.

In the future there may also be a risk that i am not in (a week holiday or something) when the warehouse is taken offline so would be unable to put the site into maintenance.

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Indicia Website


Apart from fixing the problem, which is obviously the most desirable solution, there are a couple of other things you could consider.

One would be to find someone in your organisation who could have an account with necessary permissions to do some admin and give them a crib sheet with instructions about how to put the site in and out of maintenance mode. Always good to think about your bus factor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor)

Another option is that you could automate the task. There is a module, https://www.drupal.org/project/scheduled_maintenance, which says it will take your site off line according to a schedule but cannot bring it back on line. An alternative would be to use a task scheduler to run Drush (https://github.com/drush-ops/drush) to take a site on and off line.

Jim Bacon


Re: Indicia Website

Hi Jim, The bus factor is an ongoing issue, I'm the only one here! Scheduling sounds interesting though I'll take a look at that. Thanks again.

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: Indicia Website

Ah, okay... how about enquiring through the ALERC forum to see how others manage this? Perhaps you could partner with another LRC to provide emergency cover for each other.

Jim Bacon