Topic: Installing Drupal 7 and Indicia 7.x from scratch

Before I get going I just want to make it clear that I don't intend to tread upon anybody's toes with this information. I'm very new to Drupal and Indicia. I've been trying to get to grips with them over the last few months as I can see their potential and it excites me. I also appreciate how busy the guys are that are the backbone of this framework - in particular I've had a lot of useful input from John and Jim and fellow LRC buddy Ben.

One of the biggest barriers I've had is installing an up to date version to play with that relates to the tutorials and documentation available via the official indicia webpage. I started off with the LRC-template files and the LRC-template installation tutorial which didn't work out for me. I then followed the installation guidance here [ http://indicia-docs.readthedocs.org/en/ … index.html ]  to install Drupal 7 from scratch and later added the iform and indicia_features modules available for download here [ http://www.indicia.org.uk/downloads ]. This also didn't work out for me.

Jim Bacon has kindly pointed me to the latest versions of the code at GitHub (thanks Jim). Because I'm still feeling my way around I've had to write down the whole install process from Webserver with PHP and MySQL to working IFORM module. Here are my instructions to my future self just in case anybody else is interested. It assumes you are familiar already with MySQL. These are instructions for the latest development versions rather than the stable released versions primarily for me to test and report back any issues I'm having.

One other piece of advice I wish I had back in November would be to do this free online Drupal 7 course [ https://www.ostraining.com/courses/clas … ?task=view ] first to understand Drupal before diving straight into creating Indicia pages.


Download Drupal Core 7 from https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal

Extract the contents of the downloaded file into a directory called "indicia"

Open the newly created indicia directory and edit the root .htaccess file - the file can be opened with Notepad if you do not have a preferred text editor installed. Append the following lines to the end of the file.

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_value max_execution_time              600
    php_value memory_limit                    128M

Save the changes and close the .htaccess file


Go to https://github.com/Indicia-Team/ and download the latest development branches of:

Extract the contents of the drupal-7-module-iform file into a new directory called "iform"

Extract the contents of the client_helpers file into the client_helpers directory within iform

Extract the contents of the media file into the media directory within iform

Copy the entire iform directory into "indicia/sites/all/modules"


Go to https://github.com/Indicia-Team/ and download the latest development branch of drupal-7-module_features

Extract the contents of the drupal-7-module_features file into a new directory called "indicia_features"

Copy the entire indicia_features directory into "indicia/sites/all/modules"


You should now have an indicia directory that contains all of the drupal core files including, within indicia/sites/all/modules, two directories [1] directory called iform (which contains the iform files as well as the client_helpers files and media files within their respective directories) and [2] another directory called indicia_features which contains the indicia_features files. You should also have a modified .htaccess file.


Copy the entire indicia directory to the desired location upon your web server

Create a new MySQL database for Drupal to use

Setup a new user with all privileges on the newly created database (the credentials will be required during the Drupal install wizard)

Open a web browser and navigate to your indicia root to begin the Drupal installation wizard

Work through the Drupal installation wizard - remember to write down your site maintenance account details

At the end of the install wizard click "Visit your new site"

Go to Reports \ Status Report

You should resolve the problems flagged by this report before continuing. There will likely be a notice reading

"Undefined offset: 1 in drupal_http_request()(line 984 of ... indicia/includes/common.inc)"

This can be resolved by CHMODing the indicia/sites/default/settings.php file to 644


Go to Modules and scroll down to the blocks at the bottom of the page headed
    Indicia Features
    Indicia Miscellaneous Features
    Indicia Reporting

You will see that in order to enable "Indicia Forms" we have to first install a third party module it requires, "Entity". Go to https://www.drupal.org/project/entity and copy the download link for the 7.x version i.e. https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/entity-7.x-1.6.tar.gz

Go back to the Drupal Modules page and click "+ install new module" located at the top of the page

Paste the download link into the input element labelled "Install from a URL" and click Install

Once installed click on the link labelled "Enable newly added modules"

Scroll down and check the box next to "Entity API", then click "Save Configuration" at the bottom of the page

When the page has refreshed you will be able to check the boxes next to "Indicia forms" and "Indicia AJAX Proxy" and then "Save Configuration" again

Go to Configuration / IFORM / Settings and input the warehouse credentials and map defaults etc. then save the changes.

Go to configuration / IFORM / IForm Diagnostics to ensure everything is working

Go to Content / Add content / Indicia pages to create your first Indicia page. Excellent guidance is available here [ http://indicia-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html ] for understanding how the warehouse survey and term lists relate to any survey pages you wish to create as an Indicia page.


It is a good idea to enable the Easy Login module. Easy Login has many dependences which can be installed using the same procedure as used to install the "Entity" module above.


Paul Barrington
Greater Manchester Local Record Centre


Re: Installing Drupal 7 and Indicia 7.x from scratch

Thanks for documenting that Paul.
Don't think there is the slightest possibility of any toes feeling trodden on.
We know our concentration on improving features and performance is resulting in things like the documentation and downloads failing to keep up. We can only apologise but I think you can gather the balance of demand versus resources leaves us a bit thin on the ground.

The documentation that appears on Read The Docs is stored in GitHub too (https://github.com/Indicia-Team/indicia-docs). If you are able to help improve it at all, contributions are welcome. Anyone can submit pull requests and I wouldn't be averse to giving people we know access to commit directly.

Jim Bacon.


Re: Installing Drupal 7 and Indicia 7.x from scratch

Thanks Jim,

I'm a bit snowed under at the moment. I would like to contribute to the project though and feel documentation is maybe where I could help. I'm not familiar enough with Kahona or Drupal to be of much use as a contributor to the code unfortunately although that is a longer term ambition.

Speak soon
