Topic: New member
Hi all,
I've newly joined the forum. I am a Marine Data Specialist at JNCC, and am joining to provide support to Marine Recorder users in the Marine Recorder forum page.
Look forward to meeting you all,
The technical forum of the NBN Trust for use by the Network. It includes discussions and announcements on the NBN Atlas, Recorder 6 and Indicia |
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Forum → General Announcements → New member
Hi all,
I've newly joined the forum. I am a Marine Data Specialist at JNCC, and am joining to provide support to Marine Recorder users in the Marine Recorder forum page.
Look forward to meeting you all,
Welcome James! This is good news!
I do have a question about JNCC's (and other partners') position regarding the future development and support of Marine Recorder. I am asking this question on behalf of Seasearch, the third biggest provider of marine species data to the NBN.
In September 2013, JNCC released a position statement about the forward plans for Recorder 6 which is a sticky post in this forum: This position statement outlines a strategic interest in moving towards integrated online data management systems as a possible alternative to standalone desktop software.
The Marine Conservation Society and the Wildlife Trusts have invested in the development of online Seasearch forms using Indicia and linked to iRecord. We did this with the aim of improving data flow, expanding verification capacity and increasing recorder recruitment and retention. However, because we have 30 years' of data held in Marine Recorder, we need our Indicia system to export new data in MR Snapshot format to enable analysis of the dataset as a whole. We have been unable to develop this as we are uncertain about the future of Marine Recorder and in particular whether the Snapshot format is likely to change. This is preventing us from rolling out online recording to our volunteers.
One of the 'mission critical' actions in the current NBN Strategic Action Plan is 4C.1 "Prepare and implement a technical vision and strategy for NBN data infrastructure for data capture, management and dissemination."
This technical vision and strategy is very much needed. I appreciate it is hard to develop such a strategy during a time of spending reviews, but a shared strategic vision is more important than ever to ensure that scarce resources, whether financial or volunteer time, are not wasted. The benefit of the NBN is the ability to bring together organisations from different sectors to work in partnership to deliver what cannot be achieved alone.
We at Seasearch will be very happy to provide input into the development and delivery of the strategy with regard to marine species and habitat data. For example, the Indicia functionality that we have developed could be cloned for use in the Consultants Portal and (perhaps eventually?) an online version of Marine Recorder.
In summary, I have three related questions:
1. What is the long term strategic position with regard to the NBN data infrastructure for marine species and habitat data? 2. Or, if we do not currently have a long term strategic position, can we work together to develop one?
3. What is the short/medium term position with regard to the MR Snapshot format? Is this likely to change?
Hi Paula,
Thanks for the welcome and the questions. The future of Marine Recorder is something that we have been considering ourselves recently. I can’t say too much in response to your first two questions, only that we agree that a strategic solution to the NBN infrastructure is needed, and that it needs to work for both marine and terrestrial recording. This is really a question for the NBN Trust, but we also have our own views and are developing the way forward with the NBN Trust and other partners.
In response to your third question though, I can fill in a bit more detail on our current thoughts on Marine Recorder and the Marine Recorder snapshot. We are aware that Marine Recorder has its shortcomings. Microsoft Access, on which it runs, is really only designed for relatively small-scale personal databases, and the lack of an online interface is far from ideal. We’re also aware that there are a number of other tools such as Indicia at various stages of development and maturity, as well as some more established tools such as the Unicorn database system. This means that benthic data is already being stored in a range of formats and we anticipate that this will increase going forward. There has been some investment into solutions to allow data exchange between these different formats, but these solutions are vulnerable to be being broken by updates to either format.
Our current thinking is therefore that a data exchange format is required, with a standardised structure and list of fields that it would contain. Each organisation collecting benthic data would then be free to use whatever data storage solution best suits them, as long as tools could be developed to allow that stored data to be exported in the data exchange format. The data exchange format would therefore play a similar role to the existing Marine Recorder snapshot, and is likely to bear a strong resemblance to it.
As a first step towards this, we are currently experimenting with online access to, and querying of, the Marine Recorder snapshot. This is based on reproducing the existing snapshot structure in an online, spatial database based on a free and open source database management system, and is part of a broader approach to accessing and using spatial data within JNCC. The use of open-source tools means that it has the advantage of being low cost and reproducible by other organisations. In the longer term I suspect we might be able to make some improvements to the current snapshot format, but given the limited time and resources that we have to commit to this I suspect this is unlikely to happen in the next year. So in the short term the snapshot format will remain stable, and if and when it is changed we would also need to develop some conversion tools so hopefully any transition would be relatively painless.
Finally, it’s worth noting that we currently have no plan to withdraw Marine Recorder. We are aware that lots of organisations have a significant investment in Marine Recorder and many years’ worth of data in NBNData.mdb files. Marine Recorder is unlikely to see any significant further development or new functionality, but we do have a small ongoing budget for fixing major problems and keeping it serviceable in its current form. In the short to medium term, it will therefore remain available for anyone wishing to use it, as one of the growing number of options for storing benthic data.
Hope that makes things a bit clearer. Please feel free to respond with any questions and I’ll answer them as best I can.
Hi James
Thank you very much for your reply, it is really helpful to get some insight into the current thinking about Marine Recorder. Since my original post, we've been advised that one of our main stakeholders and funders has agreed to receive our data in Indicia/NBN Exchange Format rather than MR Snapshot provided that all key data fields are included. So things are looking more positive and I hope we'll be able to move ahead with our online recording very soon. We would be very interested to know more about your work on reproducing the MR Snapshot structure in an online spatial database and accessing/querying it, and similarly we'd be very happy to share any of our developments in Indicia for MR-style data exports with you. I'll contact you directly in the new year if that's ok - it would be useful to keep in touch about our progress in this area, to make sure that any new developments can interoperate, and that our Indicia export complies with the new data exchange format.
Many thanks!
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