Topic: Errant enhanced data requests


Not sure if anyone is aware of this issue.

I received a data request today for enhanced access to our dataset on the NBN Gateway. Having written to the requester I was informed by return that our dataset wasn't explicitly requested, he was aware of which explicit requests were made and our dataset wasn't one of them.

Is this by design or an issue to be addressed?

Les Evans-Hill
Senior Data Officer
Butterfly Conservation, Butterflies for the New Millennium and National Moth Recording Scheme


Re: Errant enhanced data requests

Hello Les

The request I think you are referring to on the 20th February was for all records within a single 10KM square, without applying additional filter for specific datasets, hence why you received a data request even though the Butterfly Conservation datasets were not explicitly requested.

Best wishes
NBN Technical Liaison Officer


Re: Errant enhanced data requests

Hi Graham,

Many thanks, I suspect this makes up the majority of requests for the NMRS.

Les Evans-Hill
Senior Data Officer
Butterfly Conservation, Butterflies for the New Millennium and National Moth Recording Scheme


Re: Errant enhanced data requests

Hi Graham,

I was the person who made that request and it's the reason I'm on this forum today! Again, an enhanced request has gone out to other providers.. You say that additional filters weren't applied. Well I can tell you in both cases that I did apply the filters on the drop down list for specific datasets. This is after ensuring I select the right geographical area [ within boundary of my local record centre] Does it just 'lose' these filters?
Looking at my pending requests it has included another mix of datasets. However, it doesn't include the one that I apparently sent to a neighbouring record centre who responded this morning..

In the access form, I don't click on the Species and Year Range sections. They are optional and the Dataset section should override them right? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Errant enhanced data requests

Hello Rob

The dataset section on the access request form should allow you to restrict your access request to the required datasets, out of the potential ones listed once you have filtered to a geographical area. Once the required datasets are selected additional text appears on the Datasets section informing you on the number of filtered datasets eg Filter to 2 out of 67 datasets. The form shouldn't lose this filter

By not selecting species or year range you should request access to all records within the requested datasets for the geographical area

Best wishes