Topic: Server error when trying to view details of 2 particular species
There are two species that I am trying to view details for that keep producing a server error.
They are as follows:-
Fair Isle Wren
Greenland White-fronted Goose
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Forum → Comments and suggestions → Server error when trying to view details of 2 particular species
There are two species that I am trying to view details for that keep producing a server error.
They are as follows:-
Fair Isle Wren
Greenland White-fronted Goose
Hello John
I think the issue is with a couple of missing designation dates for these 2 species. I have asked for these dates so that I can add them to the NBN Gateway and see if this then allows searching on these 2 species.
Best wishes
Hello John
The missing designation dates have now been updated and you should now be able to search and view details for these 2 species on the NBN Gateway
Best wishes
Forum → Comments and suggestions → Server error when trying to view details of 2 particular species
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