Topic: Point-Buffer - crazy big results - is it me?
I'm new to exploiting the NBN webservices so you will have to excuse me if I am doing something dumb.
I want to characterise an area by doing a point buffer query to get the number of species ever recorded there.
But the results I get back are very high! 13,778 records and 3,574 species for a 100m radius circle in Edinburgh - which seems a little excessive. I wasn't expecting to get anything.
I paste below the query URI and also the non URL encoded polygon.
I'd be really grateful for any advice. Am I doing something stupid with my query construction or is the service resolution only to recorder district or something like that.
Many thanks,
p.s. the forum won't let me post links so I have removed the h t t p s
POLYGON((-3.198712 55.966303, -3.198434 55.966289, -3.198163 55.966249, -3.19791 55.966183, -3.197681 55.966093, -3.197483 55.965982, -3.197322 55.965854, -3.197204 55.965712, -3.197132 55.965561, -3.197107 55.965405, -3.197132 55.965249, -3.197204 55.965098, -3.197322 55.964956, -3.197483 55.964827, -3.197681 55.964717, -3.19791 55.964627, -3.198163 55.964561, -3.198434 55.96452, -3.198712 55.964506, -3.198991 55.96452, -3.199261 55.964561, -3.199515 55.964627, -3.199744 55.964717, -3.199942 55.964827, -3.200102 55.964956, -3.200221 55.965098, -3.200293 55.965249, -3.200317 55.965405, -3.200293 55.965561, -3.200221 55.965712, -3.200102 55.965854, -3.199942 55.965982, -3.199744 55.966093, -3.199515 55.966183, -3.199261 55.966249, -3.198991 55.966289, -3.198712 55.966303))