Re: Import wizard: import by using recorder key

There are LRCs and county recorders start receiving recorder from their website, which including rECOrd. We have developed a rather complex Online Input System, which recorder can manage their records and recording files, integrated validation routine, gis raster map, etc. The system is using taxon dictionary, recorder name, etc extracted from Recorder, which including key that generated by recorder.

The current problem is when exporting data from our system then importing into recorder and there are recorders with same name. it's not possible to differentiate between persons with same name. These problem also rise when recorder inputting common name such as redshank, which could be bird or plant. We have got round this common name problem by using latin name. But there are other species that has the same latin name.

By allowing Recoder import wiz to import key (recorder key, taxon key, location key etc) should solve this problem.



IT Officer
rECOrd (A Biodiversity Information System for Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and Wirral)