Topic: WMS as a logged in user
I'm coding a plugin for QGIS which includes a tool to provide convenient access to the NBN WMS. This is all fine as an anonymous user.
But I want users to be able to supply their NBN login credentials so that they can get better access to data where they've been granted it.
The documentation here ( … _Services/), suggests that I need to add the username and a userkey to the URL in the call to the WMS thus:
I'm not sure what the userkey should be. I thought that it might be an authentication cookie value as suggested here: … ogging_In/
I've written code to supply credentials and retrieve an authentication cookie (which looks fine), but when I supply its value in place of 'HASHED_PASSWORD', I still get the default level of data access.
Can anyone help me out?
Biodiversity Project Officer
Field Studies Council