Topic: Absence Records
I have just been looking at an interactive for Bee Wolf (Philanthus triangulum) and was surprised to see Absence records were shown as well as presence. When I drew a bounding box and queried the records, exactly the same list was shown for presence as for absence. The same happened when I looked at Hornet (Vespa crabro), but no absence records were offered when mapping Hairy legged Mining Bee (Dasypoda hirtipes) or Wall Butterfly (Lasiommata megera).
I guess this is happening because none of the records include an abundance figure and the software has equated zero abundance with absence. There are a great many records in our dataset which have no abundance data and it wouod be very misleading to represent these as absences. Is there any way these could automatically be given an abundance level of 1?
I do not understand why the absence records are shown for some species and not for others.