Topic: Viewing attributes on Interactive Mapper
Dumb question, but when selecting records on the IMT how do I view record attributes?
I'm trying to view records of larva of Purple Hairstreak. In our dataset (GA000481) SexStage is an attribute, as is Quantity.
Larva is present in the SexStage attribute but I can find no way of viewing this via the IMT to distinguish larval records from adult records. I can't see Quantity either.
By contrast the interactive mapper on the old gateway does provide SexStage and Quantity attributes when the records are queried. The larval records are easy to find with this mapper.
I'd presumed this functionality would be present in the new IMT, but I can't find it.
The only way that I've found so far to view these attributes is to download all the records and use a spreadsheet.
Am I missing something please?