Re: Update to Recorder 6 Help

Under contract to JNCC, Sally Rankin updated some of the Recorder 6 Help for version 6.10.4. If you install Recorder 6 using a version 6.10.4 CD you will have the updated Help but if you have upgraded from 6.9.3 you need to replace the existing Help file - Rec20Hlp.chm in C:\Program Files\Recorder 6\Help, or the equivalent for your system - with the file available here http://forums.nbn.org.uk/files/Rec20Hlp.zip

Note: Select to save the file (e.g. to your desktop) and unzip the file first and then replace your old Rec20Hlp.chm file.

Unfortunately various codes needed to make the context sensitive help (F1) work were not available so some information is best accessed via the Contents/Index/Search tabs presented when selecting Help - Help on the main menu. JNCC plan to update more of the Help in future versions. The changes in version 6.10.4 include an update to the introduction and to the following topics under Tasks on the Contents tab:

- Upgrading Recorder
- Dictionaries and term-lists - Updating the dictionaries: use the dictionary upgrade link for more information
- Dictionaries and term-lists - Dictionaries: overview updated
- Exchanging data - Import data: revised
- Exchanging data - Import data - Import Wizard: revised
- Exchanging data - Import data - Import Wizard - Data format: revised. This now includes more information about all the fields that can be imported via the import wizard
- Exchanging data - Import data - Import Wizard - Abundance data: new. This illustrates how abundance data is handled by the import wizard
- Exchanging data - Import data - Analysis and Import/Duplicate items/Invalid items: revised to provide more information about importing data in general and about dealing with duplicate and invalid items in particular
- Reporting: overview revised 
- Reporting - Using the Report Wizard: revised
- Reporting - XML Reports: new. This contains a very elementary introduction to XML reports 
- Reporting - Running reports: new. This provides information on running XML reports and report wizard saved reports
- The main data types - Observations - Survey events - Ownership Tab: new
- Dictionaries and term-lists - Term lists - Enhanced Term Lists: new. This facility enables users to compile a list of keywords that can be assigned to documents
- The main data types - Documents - Keywords Tab: new
- Entering data - Viewing data - Find dialog - Finding Documents: amended to reflect 'Search for Reference Keywords'
- The main data types - Locations - Geo Info - Grid Squares Tab: amended to include details of the facility to automatically extract grid squares from the associated location boundaries
- Mapping - Map browser - Map Navigator Tool: new. This facility enables users to navigate to a specific polygon in the map window

I'm sure you'll find these revisions very useful, and as mentioned above, we hope to provide more updates to the Help in the future.

Best wishes,

Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant