Topic: Temporary reduction in input to NBN forum
It is critical that we have a fast and responsive service loading data onto the NBN Gateway. Unfortunately a backlog that built up during, and following, release of Gateway V means that there is now a significant queue and, as a result, delays around loading new datasets. At the same time there has been quite a lot of activity on the forums and elsewhere around responding to queries and issues raised by users and time spent on this means we are not putting the required amount of effort into data loading. As a result JNCC have decided to redirect resources from this help desk function into clearing the queue of data awaiting loading.
We realise the timing of this is not perfect. There are also staff changes within the Trust with the departure of Paula Lightfoot, who many of you will know, and it will take some time for her replacement to be properly in post. Having said that we feel it is more important to prioritise the data loading in the short term.
This means that for the next few weeks only very urgent requests will be answered, and whilst we will be keeping an eye on the forums, we will only be engaging users with critical bugs and issues.
We hope to restore normal service once the backlog has been cleared. In meantime I apologise for the inconvenience.
Steve Wilkinson
Head Data Services JNCC