Topic: Another day, another lost function
I have just become aware that Gateway 5 does not allow unregistered users to view record details in the IMT. Gateway 4 does.
HBRG has a policy supported by our major funders, SNH, of allowing full public access to our data except in special circumstances. This loss is most unwelcome, and completely unexpected to me. When I set access as unrestricted, that is exactly what I mean.
The ludicrous position is that Joe Public looking at the old Gateway can see exactly the data he wants, and all on one page, while in another tab in his browser the new Gateway tells him that he must be registered and logged in to see them - but only 10 records at a time.
How a respected organisation like NBN has managed to produce the turkey (apologies to Meleagris everywhere) that is Gateway 5 beggars belief. One day I think we must have identified all the problems and other nonsense, and the next day another one presents itself.