1 (edited by Luck 06-09-2007 11:07:04)

Re: rECOrd 2 jobs vacancies available.

IT Assistance and Information Officer.
Do you know if it's possible to have this advertise on nbn website?

many thanks


IT Officer
rECOrd (A Biodiversity Information System for Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and Wirral)


Re: rECOrd 2 jobs vacancies available.

Others advertise jobs on the NBN web-site. I suggest you contact Mandy Henshall, m.henshall@nbn.org.uk. You could also try the LRCs e-group, LRCs@yahoogroups.co.uk. Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre have recently advertised through e-groups etc. so they may be able to provide other suggestions.

Sally Rankin, JNCC Recorder Approved Expert
E-mail: s.rankin@btinternet.com
Telephone: 01491 578633
Mobile: 07941 207687


Re: rECOrd 2 jobs vacancies available.

Thanks sally

IT Officer
rECOrd (A Biodiversity Information System for Cheshire, Halton, Warrington and Wirral)


Re: rECOrd 2 jobs vacancies available.

There is also the LRC technical forum

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital