Are you using the latest version of the add-in? – version 2.3.2, January 2010. The More tab on Help – About ... tells you the version of the add-ins installed. It has 2 site name options: Sample Location Name first and preferred Location Name first but ,as is often the case, the use of the term Location Name is confusing. What the add-in will output is:
If the Sample has a Location but no Location Name, the preferred name for the Location is output
If the Sample doesn’t have a Location but has a Location Name, the Location Name is output
SITE NAME OPTION: Sample Location Name first
If the Sample has a Location and a Location Name, the Location Name is output
SITE NAME OPTION: preferred Location Name first
If the Sample has a Location and a Location Name, the preferred name for the Location is output
Note that:
if the survey event has a Location but the Sample doesn’t, the Location from the event is used instead of the Sample Location
Sample Location and Sample Location Name are not concatenated
I had 2 problems with this add-in. On my Windows 7 laptop, I had to run Recorder 6 as administrator once this sdd-in was installed. Also, the first time I installed it, one of the stored procedures it uses wasn’t updated so I got an error message about the nbn_exchange_basic_update procedure. Uninstalling and reinstalling the add-in cured the problem.
Sally Rankin, JNCC Recorder Approved Expert
Telephone: 01491 578633
Mobile: 07941 207687