1 (edited by James Dargie 16-04-2013 11:55:54)

Topic: Abundance measures in MR - SACFORN - a note of perhaps trivial caution

One of the accepted abundance measures in MR is the semi-quantitative SACFORN scale, the idea being you record one of the values SACFORN.

I've noted (while trying to solve another issue) that in SNH data we had some none acceptable values in this field, specifically: "SA" & " R" (note the lead space in front of the R). I have noted that I am able to add the value "SA" in through the interface, but I cannot add " R" (so I assume that came through from a spreadsheet import).

Either way the error trapping does not seem 100% tight so be careful when you are entering SACFOR data and something to keep an eye on while QA'ing data.


Re: Abundance measures in MR - SACFORN - a note of perhaps trivial caution

thanks James, noted