Re: Biotope List Item
In doing a transfer from Recorder 2002 to Recorder 6 I have come across an obscurity, which seemed to have been corrected but incorrectly.
In R2K2 the NVC type MG6aiv Iris pseudacorus variant is there fine.
Come Rec6 it is not there in 6.6.3. It is later 'sort of there' but with the wrong code. It is listed later (all the way up to the latest version as MG1aiv, the rest is correct but the MG1 should be MG6, as there is already an MG1aiv. I would provide the NBN key but they seem to be different in Rec6(?). I assume this is why it failed to come across in the transfer (which in itself is not a problem).
Does that make sense? The reason I saw it as an error was because in the transfer errors this one had not come across and was in the importerrors.mdb under R2K2 folder.
(Conservation Officer (Buckinghamshire), BBOWT)