Topic: Taxon Groups to Taxon Lists Link Module


Had a go with Indicia tonight and managed to get most of it working but struggled to see how I could add a Species List (for example, a hoverflies list). I managed to sync with what I presume is an NBN server somewhere and the Taxon Group count went up to 93, so I concluded that something exciting had just happened. I then attacked some modules but when it came to the Taxon Groups to Taxon Lists Link Module I received this error.

The upgrade failed.

An error occurred during the upgrade.

The error was described as:
There was an SQL error: ERROR: cannot change name of view column "taxon_list_id" to "deleted" - CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW gv_taxon_groups_taxon_lists AS SELECT tgtl.id, tg.id AS taxon_group_id, tg.title, tgtl.deleted, tgtl.taxon_list_id FROM taxon_groups_taxon_lists tgtl JOIN taxon_groups tg ON tg.id = tgtl.taxon_group_id AND tg.deleted = false WHERE tgtl.deleted=false;
Please refer to the application log files for more information.

It was at this point that I started to throw ornaments at a passing cat...

Anyone able to offer suggestions on what this means (the error), or is there some other devious way to create a warehouse list which is kept in sync with NBN lists that I've completely missed?

And before I even start on plan B - do I have to write the best part of all the client helpers if I go down the ASP.NET route or is there some code floating around for that anywhere?

Just thought I'd ask...




Re: Taxon Groups to Taxon Lists Link Module

Hi Iain
The NBN Sync tools for pulling species out of the dictionary have more or less been abandoned, because the web services currently offered do not provide the level of info we need to pull species names out in bulk - we have to do one at a time and it would take days to do the whole lot. Other options for syncing with the NBN Species dictionary are being discussed, but in the meanwhile we recommend using a CSV file with species names and importing them using the warehouse, putting the TVK into the external_key field. There is documentation on doing this in the Instant Indicia Tutorials. Alternatively you could consider using the BRC hosted test warehouse which has some ready available species lists on it for development purposes.

Regarding ASP.Net, I am not aware of anyone having tried to write an ASP.Net client for Indicia.

Best wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Taxon Groups to Taxon Lists Link Module

Thanks John

That does the trick nicely, ta
