Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

I have the Vascular Plan checklist open and am entering mixed lists of plants one by one. It is debatable which is quicker, to use the magnifying glass and then the binoculars to search for the taxon in my list or to type a name into the taxon box. The latter may be quicker and if it succeeds in finding what I type in each successive time that I try it then the "restrict searches to" box continues to display "Current Rucksack" and I do not have to choose from a large number of the same taxon name in the truncated "Search text" box .  Give it something it cannot interpret, though and I have to abort then use the magnifying glass method. On succeeding with this method and then trying the "type a name into the taxon box" method again my "Restrict searches to" now reads "unrestricted". I'm not interested in any other checklist in my session, why cannot this selection remain the same until I change it, this data entry method is labour-intensive enough already.


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Just realised the taxon I was dealing with at the time I wrote the above was Rubus ideaus.
How very appropriate.


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Hi Darwyn,

In the latest version of R6 (6.9.3), this problem has been fixed.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Slight problem with that for us,
we can't upgrade.

What a hoot.

Lizzy Peat


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Why not?

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Hmmm that was a grumpy end of the week message from me there. Sorry Charles.

I recieved the full upgrade story from Darwyn this morning;

He has a few ideas why our upgrade broke, and a few things to try out before bringing it up on here.
Hopefully the upgrade will solve all our problems as you suggest, I was under the impression we were just stuck, so it is nice to know I'm wrong.

I'm sure our failed upgrade will come up on this message board again after the end of the financial year when Darwyn might have a bit more time to maintain our systems,

best wishes,

Lizzy Peat


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

No need to apologise - we all feel frustrated with Recorder on a regular basis. I sometimes feel the only solution is a large hammer! But we soldier on and overall things are now looking much better than they were a couple of years ago.


Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

I bought Recorder 2000 in August 2000.  I spent several frustrating months with it before deciding to go back to using Recorder 3.  Later I bought Recorder 2002 and again returned to Recorder 3 because of all the problems I had with R2002.  Recently I ordered Recorder 6.  Before it was delivered, I joined the NBN Forum and read of users' agonies with it, and so it's back to Recorder 3 for me once again.   Apart from a few quirks, Recorder 3 still does all that I ask of it, with help from Dmap.  My request is that the Recorder 3 species dictionary is upgraded and supplied those of us who still use R3 as our database of choice, for want of something better.


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Bob, don't be discouraged from trying Recorder 6 by the tales of woe here. People always complain more than they compliment, and so it looks like Recorder is nothing but trouble. The reality is that Recorder has come a long way since the early days and in my experience there is much more good in Recorder 6 than there is bad. It's not perfect, but for the needs of the record centre I work in, nothing else comes close.

If you want something a little more basic but still quite capable, you could try MapMate. And there's also AditSite, which some people swear by.

Charles Roper
Digital Development Manager | Field Studies Council
http://www.field-studies-council.org | https://twitter.com/charlesroper | https://twitter.com/fsc_digital


Re: Non-persistent restrict searches to in Find Taxon box

Thanks, Charles, but I have already tried the databases you mention, and others, and found them insufficient for my needs.
