1 (edited by Keiron BCT 14-08-2012 14:04:28)

Topic: Records & The Law: Submitting records on neighbouring properties

Is it acceptable for people to submit records if the site is not on their land. For example, a tree with a bat roost is in a neighbouring property. As the roost is visible to the neighbour could they submit the record publicly without the land owners' consent?

I understand that getting the land owners' permission is preferable and that records would not be accepted if the recorder had trespassed but am unsure if the record would be acceptable if they had simply observed from their own property.


Re: Records & The Law: Submitting records on neighbouring properties

Acceptable by who... ?

(I have zero knowledge of the legal system, but my understanding is if something is in plain sight from a public place/place you are allowed then it's fair game from a legal point of view - but then my understanding of this comes from http://www.sirimo.co.uk/2009/05/14/uk-p … ights-v2/)

Charlie Barnes
Information Officer
Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership