Re: Bringing 'order' to the reports

While the taxon group is nice, the family and order of the taxon would be good to have as an option in a report.

I know we have the adapted H7 - but integrating that operation into the report wizard would make sense, adding it to the taxon attributes.



Cumbria Biodiversity Data Centre
Tullie House Museum


Re: Bringing 'order' to the reports

Hi Matt,

Not sure how straightforward that would be but I will add it to the wishlist for future investigation.



Re: Bringing 'order' to the reports

Hi Lynn and Matt,
This doesn't sound like a particularly big task. The main issue is that it might be a little slow to report on because of the need to join up the hierarchy. Have you checked whether Mike W has developed attributes for this?
Best Wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Bringing 'order' to the reports

Just wondered if there has been an update to this issue since 2009, as I would also find taxon family a very useful attribute to have in the Report Wizard?




Re: Bringing 'order' to the reports

This has always been a difficult thing to do because many of the preferred lists dictionaries do not have family in their structure.  We are hoping to implement a new table (the Organism table)  shortly which will have a more uniform structure and which will make this much easier to do and much more reliable.

Mike Weideli