Re: Warehouse: glob() problem with php 5.3.15


"A bug in PHP has been detected which prevents the Kohana framework used by the Indicia Warehouse from running. This bug can be fixed by upgrading to PHP 5.3 or higher or by disabling safe mode on the server. For more information see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=43530."

Getting this warning with php 5.3.15 with Safe_mode Off (master not just local).

Causing the all_exists() function in system/libraries/drivers/Cache/File.php to return nothing.

I thought that this might be to do with open_basedir so turned it off for a second and yes, works fine. Don't really want to turn this off though.

I did notice that the pages I visited during the time that open_basedir was Off, still worked when I turned it back on, because their application/cache files had been created.

Might be good to have an option to completely turn off cacheing maybe or provide/create cache files with the install so things are workable even if the cache isn't updating properly...unless glob() returning false causes errors elsewhere as well, not sure,haven't got that far yet.

Just thought I'd let you guys know the problem so you know this bug is still present in 5.3.15 with safe mode Off but open_basedir On.

Jen x

Jen Drage
Aye-aye Design