Re: Warehouse Hosting

We're wanting to get an online recording function using Indicia added to our website but seem a bit stuck with data warehouse hosting. We thought the County Council would do it as they host us but the're systems are not compatible and setting up a seperate server would be very costly. We can't do it with our existing website hosting company so does that just leave us with the two hosting companies that support PostgreSQL? If we went that way what sort of commitment is there to database administration?

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre


Re: Warehouse Hosting

hi Graham, you would be very welcome to use the Indicia warehouse that BRC is hosting on behalf of the recording community - as would other LRCs.  Please contact me to discuss details.

David Roy, BRC


Re: Warehouse Hosting

Hi David

Thanks for this offer - this is great news.

Graham Hawker
Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre