Re: PgDn key error
PgDn button ceases to function on Survey window with fully expanded tree if selection happens to land upon an [unchecked] Taxon Occurrence
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Forum → Recorder Troubleshooting and Bug Reports → PgDn key error
PgDn button ceases to function on Survey window with fully expanded tree if selection happens to land upon an [unchecked] Taxon Occurrence
Hi Darwyn
I can't reproduce this in V6.9.3. I expand the observation hierarchy to display all occurrences. Then use the PgDn and PgUp keys to move up and down the list. I've tried unchecking an occurrence in the middle of the screen and this doesn't appear to break anything, and I've also unchecked the occurrence that is highlighted as the page moves down and this also worked ok.
It could be that this is no longer a problem in 6.9.3, but if there are any more details you can give on this please let me know and I will try again to reproduce.
Many thanks,
Sarah Shaw
Biodiversity Information Assistant
Forum → Recorder Troubleshooting and Bug Reports → PgDn key error
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