Re: GetTRCList response problem

Hello again,

I'm working on applying some ws as described in previous posts but having a problem with a query, please someone point out if i am being thick.

The following query using GetTaxonReportingCategoryList, as i understand it, is meant to bring back a list of groups based on query filters. However i am getting back a lot more in the response than what should be available in the two datasets queried.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tax="http://www.nbnws.net/TaxonReportingCategory" xmlns:spat="http://www.nbnws.net/Spatial" xmlns:sit="http://www.nbnws.net/SiteBoundary" xmlns:map="http://www.nbnws.net/Map" xmlns:tax1="http://www.nbnws.net/Taxon" xmlns:dat="http://www.nbnws.net/Dataset">
      <tax:TaxonReportingCategoryListRequest registrationKey="###">
                        <spat:Polygon srs="osgb_BNG">
            <!--MBB LRC area simplified polygon goes here -->

The response gives the correct dataset descriptions, but brings back a long list of taxon groups, some of which are not included in the datasets.

I have checked the species lists through the NBN interactive maps for each dataset just in case and they are fine.

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast


Re: GetTRCList response problem


The GetTaxonReportingCategoryList should return taxon groups that only occur in the 2 datasets in the request. I have alerted your issue with the NBN Gateway developers so that they can have a look into it

Best wishes



Re: GetTRCList response problem

Thanks for taking a look

Natural History & Biodiversity Data Enthusiast