Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Indicia version 0.7.1 is available from the downloads page (http://code.google.com/p/indicia/downloads/list). This is mostly a minor bug fixing release but does include some work on the prebuilt forms library plus a significant performance boost. Here's a list of the key changes:

Saving changes to the database is now significantly faster. Import is up to 10x faster than before.
Occurrence comments are visible in the Warehouse.
Fixed a bug so that submitting blank attribute values deletes the attribute.
Rewrite of the sectioned transects editor.
Submitting a new user via the web services with no id set in the submission has been fixed.
Fix to submitting records with a created by id and no updated by id.
Warehouse grids hide mark deleted records correctly.
Display refresh problems whilst drag/dropping custom attributes on the Warehouse in IE has been fixed.
Attribute validation rules now refresh properly when changing the data type in the warehouse using IE.
Updated to the latest version of the plUpload image upload component, fixing problems with some files being stuck "resizing".
Authorisation fixes to website and user editing when not administrator of the warehouse.
Dynamic form (prebuilt form) displays the correct records in the initial grid (filtered by the correct user).
New prebuilt forms for bat and reptile recording based on Luxembourgish methodologies.


John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Hi John

I've upgraded my warehouse with no problems. Could you clarify what is the safest way to upgrade the Instant Indicia installation? Normally with a Drupal upgrade I'd backup "sites" folder, delete everything, upload the new Drupal release and re-instate "sites". But in this case files under the "sites" folder are modified too in the upgrade. Am I safe just to overwrite with the new version?



Alan Hale


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Well, I tried overwriting an Instant Indicia installation with the new version, and all seems fine.

Alan Hale


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Hi Alan
Indeed, you can just overwrite the files. This does allow some redundant files to be left around which will do no harm. If you want to keep things clean, then you can take a copy of the helper_config.php file (in modules/iform/client_helpers), then replace the entire iform folder with the new copy and replace the helper_config file.
Best wishes

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

I shall be updating indicia warehouse1.indicia.org.uk on 04/11/2011. So, There could be some possible disruptions. My plan is to update geoserver 2.1.2 as well.

I will update the forum once I finish.

Biren Rathod
BRC Web Developer


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

The warehouse1 been updated with the geoserver as well. Apologise for taking bit long.

Biren Rathod
BRC Web Developer


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

warehouse1 -  the server gone down at present so it will back to normal, apologise for any inconvenience.- approx one hour.

Biren Rathod
BRC Web Developer


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

warehouse1 been updated , back to normal now.

Biren Rathod
BRC Web Developer


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Upgrading my warehouse to 0.71 seems to have introduced a new issue for me when importing csv locations.

The following error message results from an import attempt:

    Error occurred when loading page.
    preg_grep() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given
    For more information refer to the application log file.

I tracked the line of code initiating the error as line 51 in application/models/location.php

Adding  the following at line 51 as a quick fix allows the import to work now (while importing osgb geometry) but I suspect that the underlying problem boils down to why the centroid_sref_system variable was not being passed into the validate() function.


I'm not sure whether this issue may be specific to my setup or is a general error, so I thought I'd enquire as to whether this is something that needs a proper fix.

Robin Jones
IT Manager: Species Conservation
Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Hi Robin,
Thanks - the fix is sensible, though the underlying problem is actually something different as really the centroid_sref_system should have come through. Do you have an idea what caused it to be unset?

I've incorporated your fix in the code (more or less) but not committed it yet.


John van Breda
Biodiverse IT

11 (edited by biren103 02-02-2012 15:27:58)

Re: Indicia 0.7.1


The warehouse1 server is going down for up to two hours today between 5:00pm to 7:pm for some major maintennace work.

Apologise for the inconvenience.

Many thanks

Biren Rathod
BRC Web Developer


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Further problems with csv imports.

I've discovered that an "Unable to Complete Request" error occurs at the third stage of the occurrences import page.
I have tracked the error down the the following like in  application/libraries/MY_ORM.php

The line is:

808: $this->db->like($attr_entity.'s_websites.validation_rules || '.$attr_entity.'.validation_rules', '%required%');

On issue is the the 's' is not being appended to the $attr_entity for the second rule.

Once this is corrected, the like function still is unable to correctly format the query.

    808: $this->db->like($attr_entity.'s_websites.validation_rules || '.$attr_entity.'s.validation_rules', '%required%');

The like function seems to fail in correctly assigning double-quotes around the table/field names, preventing the concatenation working correctly. I have tried a few variants, but have so far failed to find a solution.

I notice discovered that Kohana 3 has some new related functions - namely and_where_open() and and_where_close() which allow bracketing around clauses.

The following line should do the job as far as I can tell, but can't test it with the current kohana.

this->db->and_where_open()->orlike(array($attr_entity.'s_websites.validation_rules'=>'required', $attr_entity.'s.validation_rules'=> 'required'))->and_where_close();

Are there any plans to move to kohana 3 any time soon? If not some pointers to solving the concatenation method
would be appreciated.

Robin Jones
IT Manager: Species Conservation
Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

Hi Robin
Fortunately I found another example of how to get round this problem. I've refactored a little and committed a fix, in r3540.

John van Breda
Biodiverse IT


Re: Indicia 0.7.1

I have today (27 February 2012) updated the version of the file uploader, Plupload, provided by warehouse1.indicia.org.uk to 1.5.2. This version has been running on the testwarehouse for about a month now. It resolves an issue with the uploader hanging when trying to upload small files with Firefox.

Plupload allows us to do client-side resizing of images using either the capabilities of Html5, which are built in to modern browsers, or using browser plugins that a user may have installed such as Flash or Silverlight.

I have tested against the browsers IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Chrome and Safari (on Windows) using Html5, Flash and Silverlight for both files that need resizing and those that don't. (That is 36 permutations). No version of Internet Explorer worked with Html5 and Apple's Safari would not play with Microsoft's Silverlight but all other options worked.

If you become aware of any problems please let me know.

Jim Bacon.