Re: Farewell and new beginnings
Good afternoon to you all,
This is brief note to say that tomorrow, Friday 22nd December, is my last day with SWT as their Biodiversity Data Officer. During the past year, as many of you will both be aware of and in many, many cases, assisted with, the Scottish Wildlife Trust has implemented a program to digitise their data holdings which covers the 123 Reserves across Scotland using Recorder 6.
It has been an interesting time, not least with the system testing side of things coupled with overseeing data entry and implementing a new filing regimen. Certainly, the challenge to accomplish the fine start this project has undergone has been both extremely valuable and worthwhile for me. So to all who have assisted, no matter how large or small a part you have played, you have my gratitude.
So although I'll be away from the immediate community for the next few months, I'll be working on SQL server administration training with the intention of returning to Recorder-world offering part-time consultancy for installation, customisation and recording needs by March.
So until then , many thanks again and have a grand Christmas and an even better New Year!
Cheers now, Rob